Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My first knitting project

This is my first completed knitting project. 

I can admit it was pretty ugly.  I made some mistakes that I had no idea how to fix so I just carried on.  My lovely daughter wanted a warm fuzzy caterpillar scarf to match her Invader Zim Gir hoodie so I obliged.  It never gets really cold here to warrant coats and mittens, we just make do with hoodies and scarves...and maybe a beanie hat.

I used a size 13 Boye Single Point Knitting Needles, I think I was drawn to them because they were pink and shiny...yeah I'm like that.
I used LionBrand Hometown USA in Electric Lime that I picked up at the big box store, and fringed it out in pink yarn that I had left from another craft.

Yes I know...bad bad your local yarn store!  It was my first experience knitting so I didnt know better.  But I learn fast, and quickly found a world of fiber that I did not know existed.  Not that there is anything wrong with big box brands....there isn't...I just can't wear acrylic but we'll get to that later.

Hi Y'all

Welcome to my little piece of the internet, here you will find my opinions on Knitting, Yarns, Accessories, and any odd bits of  ramblings... all from the point of view of a Southern Texas gal.  As you can imagine the oppressive heat and the five minute winter makes knitting a different animal here so my viewpoint will be a little different from Northern gals.  I hope you like my blog and twisted sense of humor, if you do please recommend me to your friends...because it's not a party until you've ruined a priceless family heirloom, in other words the more the merrier!